понеделник, 28 декември 2009 г.

How To fix Black Mirror Windows XP

 I've tried so many times to run "Black Mirror" after I started using XP but everytime I got this black screen at the start up. I've bought the original version with Bulgarian subtitles and it wasn't until half an year until I found what was the problem. You must download a patch from NVIDIA and put it into your game directory. Afterwards, install it and enjoy the game.

Here's the link to the NVIDIA patch:(click)

NOTE : This patch is for the Bulgarian version so I am not sure if it will help any other versions but you can try it anyways. Also, I have only tested it on an NVIDIA graphic card. The Bulgarian version only has Bulgarian subtitles and English audio, so if you can't run your current version, you can try finding the Bulgarian one and play it instead. You can register with Zamunda and download it from HERE. Enjoy! 
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събота, 26 декември 2009 г.

How To: Play Anno 1602 AD on Windows XP

 Everyone loves a good strategy game. Remember the good old Anno 1602 (1602 A.D.) created by Max Design. Now we try to install it under Windows XP but the game would crash a lot and this would destroy our gaming experience. How to fix that so the game doesn't quit?
 The main problem with this game is the music and if you want it run on Windows XP then you should switch it off. You should go into the "OPTIONS" after you start a game (the blue discette) and turn off the music from the menu. Just to make sure, right click on "1602.exe" and go to "Compatibility" and set it for Windows 98/ME (that can work for some of you too). That's about it :) 

 Now, the game won't crash and you can finally build your inland empire! Enjoy!

Here's a great Anno 1602 tribute video:
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четвъртък, 17 декември 2009 г.

How To: Play Corsairs Gold on XP

 A classic never gets old. Yeah, it's true, but how do we fix it to run on XP? Here are some tips how:


1. Try copying the files on your PC instead of installing it. 

2. Go to CORSAIRS\data\CRK

3. There are two files "BK_DES00.INI" and BK_TRP00.INI"

4. Open the first one and scroll to [PALETTES]

5. Make every line in the [PALETTES] section after the ";" a new line

!!! *EXAMPLE* !!!


PALT_FOR0 = Desert\for0 ;- foret type pur


PALT_FOR0 = Desert\for0
;- foret type pur

6. Do the same on BK_TRP00.INI" everywhere you see ";"

7. On "Corsairs.EXE" right click then "PROPERTIES" go to COMPATIBILITY and set : Windows 98/ME

That should do it and you shouldn't get problems for starting the game. However if this doesn't help...


This one is more sophisticated. But you will have no problem to do it if you follow the tips:

1. Get "Corsairs GOLD" + "Corsairs Class RIP". They both have files we need to make it run on XP. (you can find the CLASS RIP in torrent trackers) 

2. Now, mount or put in your Corsairs cd and COPY the folder "CORSAIRS" to your HDD (must be in C:\)

3. Go again in the cd and COPY folders "PRM" and "intro" into your CORSAIRS folder on your HDD

4. Now install the CLASS RIP (not in the same folder). We only need the "Corsairs.exe" to make the game run. After you install that, then go to the CLASS version, COPY "Corsairs.exe" and PASTE it into CORSAIRS folder (overwrite the old one, just like how CRACKS work)

5. Now perform the things as shown in "PART I" on the *INI files.

6. Now open the file "Corsairs.INI" and modify [PATHS] to your game address:


If Corsairs is in C:\Games then it should look like that:


7. On "Corsairs.EXE" right click then "PROPERTIES" go to COMPATIBILITY and set : Windows 98/ME 

8. Create a shorcut and start Corsairs! Enjoy


1. If the game crushes while you get into battle - then simply play on EASY and let computers do the battles for you.

2. If the game crushes in a battle, try avoiding doing battles with your main charachter on the ship (some guys solved it like that)

3. Try finding another "Corsairs.EXE" and replace the old one. (dl only the *exe from torrent trackers and experiment)
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неделя, 13 декември 2009 г.

How To: Check for RAM errors?

Everybody (even the most inexperienced with computers) have heard about the RAM. Not so many however know what exactly it is doing. Our computers use it to speed up the processes (games, programs, etc.) by storing and accessing data in any order (randomly) which speeds up things greatly. Generally, the more RAM you have - the better. 
Sometimes however, our RAM is not flawless in the tasks it performs (there are so many types of RAM modules for example, which are incompatible with each other, plus there's always a chance for a defect somewhere) and all kinds of errors appear in the middle of our work. That's the time when we got to check if our RAM is working flawlessly or not. 
If, for example you are a dedicated gamer and you get a lot of errors and crashes during a game, then you should consider one of the options to be a RAM error (the other one is Video Card issue but we'll talk about errors like that in another article)
I have recently tried to find a good software to perform tests and determine if my RAM had any errors/conflicts and found me a very good sofware - "Memtest-86". (click to visit official site)

Now let's follow the steps on how to check for RAM errors:

1) Go to the site of Memtest-86
2) Click "Free Download" and select your download
3) Burn the image on CD/RW or start-up disk
4) Restart PC
5) Press F8 to enter the start-up screen and choose to boot from CD/Floppy
6) Perform the test

After the test is finished you would now know if you have any errors and if you need to buy new RAM.
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събота, 5 декември 2009 г.

How To: Play Left 4 Dead on Windows XP or Windows Vista


- DirectX + Graphic problems
- shaderapidx9.dll errors
- l4d.exe errrors
- Windows Vista & Windows 7 crash

 - Try removing your Windows Firewall and restart l4d
 - Download your latest graphic, sound and motherboard drivers
 - You must have either Directx 9.0c or Directx 10 (or reinstall them)  
 - If you use Steam version - update game, if not then update is not an option (it will crash the game completely)
 - If you are using Windows Vista or Windows 7 try this: right click open l4d.exe and use it "Windows XP compatibility" 
 - shaderapidx9.dll fix :  

1) go to start menu "Run"  
2) type "cmd"  
3) in the command prompt window type the following:  

net localgroup administrators NetorkService /ADD

  - low/bad performance for AMD processors : CLICK

- black screen and other graphic problems : CLICK

  - The following has solved this problem for some Vista users: 
1) Exit Steam.
2) Click Start > All Programs > Accessories 
Launch the Command Prompt by right clicking on it and choosing "Run As Administrator"
3) Type in the following command and press enter:

net localgroup Administrators /add Local Service

4) Close the Command Prompt window and restart your computer.Then, launch the game

- ENABLE console: Options -> Keyboard -> Advanced -> Enable Developer Console 


 - Go to http://garena.com and register if you don't have an account
 - Update to the last version and login with your details. 
 - On the left find Left 4 Dead icon and join by double clicking. Choose a room.
 - Now go to "Settings" and write:
  1) Executable settings : the path to your l4d.exe
  2) Game bootstrap parameters :  -console sv_lan 0 sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0 net_star

 Now you can play via lan and have no problems with Garena. 

 I wish that is sufficient and helps, if not then write to me and I'll look for more solutions for you out there. I hope this was helpful and the game runs smoothly now. Meanwhile, cheer up with this funny l4d clip:

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How To: Recover From a Break-Up

 When you break-up with a loved one, you will often feel like the world is coming to an end, that you are doomed and that you'll never meet someone else and fall in love again. But guess what. You DON'T HAVE TO FEEL THAT WAY and MOST OF THESE THOUGHTS will ONLY BE TRUE IN YOUR MIND and not in real life. You will meet new and exciting people and will have MUCH BETTER experiences with them and eventually create a lasting, healthy and strong relationships. Think about it, if you broke-up with your loved one then something had to be wrong. If you haven't tried to fix it and you decide it is worth to go through the same bullshit over and over again - go for it, if it really means that much to you. But if something was wrong and is beyond repair, and you've tried all your best to make it work and still it failed, then WAKE UP AND START MOVING ON!

Most of us know what it is to be in love and what it is to be hurt afterwards.  And it's okay to feel bad after a break-up - it's a completely normal reaction. I know because I've been there, so that's why I decided to write this article and share my experience on how to deal with break-ups. What we will cover in this article is how to eliminate the negative feelings and feel lot happier with following some basic rules:

First off, you can't let yourself be alone - surround yourself with people, go to parties, socialise and meet new persons from the opposite sex. It's important to remember that you have to be strong and move on, most importantly even when you feel like breaking down. Of course, a great idea will be to meet one, or even several persons so you can get sooner out of the break-up zone . Don't concentrate on being sad and wait for them to comfort you, instead be the initiator and learn more about them by asking questions - by doing this they will open up to you and you will make friends and people who will start to care for you.

Second of all, YOU REALLY MUST NOT LET YOURSELF BE ALONE. You will pity yourself, think about your ex, get sad, depressed and nothing good can come out of this. I mean it - GO OUT AND MEET NEW PEOPLE! If you don't have a lot of friends - make some! People are waiting to be discovered by you out there. The most important thing to understand is that there is plenty of fish in the sea, and by meeting new people you will ease these feelings, make friends or even future relationships that hold the potential to turn out a lot better than the previous ones, trust me. I've been there and I know! You will find the healing power of friendship in this moments, so don't shut yourself from the rest of the world - just the opposite, socialize! 

Sit for a moment and think about all these things that you couldn't do before when you were tied to the commitment and all the new horizons that have just opened up for you. Now you can focus on a subject and achieve something for yourself. You can start building up your body, for example by going to fitness, jogging and sports (and again you will socialise and meet new people, plus you will even be more desirable). Invest in your brain - read books, articles, study and work towards discovering new things - expand your horizon! Only bored people feel bad, so start moving and start using your time by investing in you. It pays off GREAT!

 You should avoid contact with your ex AT ALL COSTS. Contacting her/him after deciding to move on or even worse - if she/he contacts you can have dire consequences. So - change your mobile, block her/him from your e-mails, chat programs, social sites, delete or burn all pictures, throw all his/her stuff away and severe that connection - YOU DON'T WANT TO GO BACK THAT WAY - THERE IS ONLY PAIN AND HUMILIATION TO IT, BELIEVE ME. Be strong, do all of the above and move on - you will be much better and ahead in your life in no time. 

Most people (mainly men) are turning to addictions after breaking up like excessive drinking, smoking and even drugs. You don't have to do that simply because you will throw your life away and your life is too precious to be thrown away like that. Try to drink and smoke (or whatever one you do) to a certain limit - never abuse it. If you have a problem with addiction, there is also professional help like therapy groups where you can meet people going through the same problems such as yours and who will help you. Don't let your vices drag you to the bottom, because there is NO GOING BACK from there!

 There are a lot of books to help you on the subject and if you really do feel like there is problem - you should totally do something about it! A few of my advices that I can offer you are:

  If you do have a low-self esteem maybe you should get some self-help literature and reflect what is the cause of the problem. Maybe you don't like something about yourself, or people made you feel bad in the past - but THERE IS ALWAYS A WAY OUT OF THIS. And you can do it and get out of the hole in no time, believe me. First, you have to realize that you are yourself and accept that, however you look or however others feel about you - you are beautiful and imporant and don't ever anyone tell you otherwise. If you feel you are bad in something - practice at it to get better. If you  

  If you have lack of motivation I suggest this: make yourself a hot coffee then drink it, put your sweatpants on and go out for a jog. Do this on a regular basis anytime you feel that way. You will get energy, your brain will start working better due to the oxygen it gets and all negative moods will be lifted up. Enjoy 

  There are a lot of books on that but I will tell you what worked for me when I was younger. I got out and talked to people acting like I wasn't shy. Soon, my shyness slowly disappeared and now I am not afraid to approach people. Try it - go to a store and ask for a product, then simply thank the person and walk away - they are not gonna kill you or anything, it's not like you are in school where teachers act like that just only to manipulate you to study harder and such (which is good after all). You will never have another boyfriend/girlfriend if you don't/can't talk to persons from the opposite sex.


Sometimes, it is very helpful to seek people who know what you are going through and seek their company. It is nice to talk to someone who is understanding and compassionate. Here, the best choice would be a girl since they are more intuitive and sensitive. However, beware if you can't/don't trust that person, for he will use you for your weakness. Never reveal too much or you will find yourself alone again with bitter memories.

 So, recovering from a break-up can never be easy, but persistence in these advices will get you out of feeling miserable and on the way to meet new exciting people, future lovers and friends. Most important things to remember are that you are moving on now, you are determined not to look back, because you are now looking for new experiences and exciting people, while enjoying the new time for yourself by making yourself better and having fun.
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