неделя, 13 декември 2009 г.

How To: Check for RAM errors?

Everybody (even the most inexperienced with computers) have heard about the RAM. Not so many however know what exactly it is doing. Our computers use it to speed up the processes (games, programs, etc.) by storing and accessing data in any order (randomly) which speeds up things greatly. Generally, the more RAM you have - the better. 
Sometimes however, our RAM is not flawless in the tasks it performs (there are so many types of RAM modules for example, which are incompatible with each other, plus there's always a chance for a defect somewhere) and all kinds of errors appear in the middle of our work. That's the time when we got to check if our RAM is working flawlessly or not. 
If, for example you are a dedicated gamer and you get a lot of errors and crashes during a game, then you should consider one of the options to be a RAM error (the other one is Video Card issue but we'll talk about errors like that in another article)
I have recently tried to find a good software to perform tests and determine if my RAM had any errors/conflicts and found me a very good sofware - "Memtest-86". (click to visit official site)

Now let's follow the steps on how to check for RAM errors:

1) Go to the site of Memtest-86
2) Click "Free Download" and select your download
3) Burn the image on CD/RW or start-up disk
4) Restart PC
5) Press F8 to enter the start-up screen and choose to boot from CD/Floppy
6) Perform the test

After the test is finished you would now know if you have any errors and if you need to buy new RAM.