- DirectX + Graphic problems
- shaderapidx9.dll errors
- l4d.exe errrors
- Windows Vista & Windows 7 crash.
- Try removing your Windows Firewall and restart l4d
- Download your latest graphic, sound and motherboard drivers
- You must have either Directx 9.0c or Directx 10 (or reinstall them)
- If you use Steam version - update game, if not then update is not an option (it will crash the game completely)
- If you are using Windows Vista or Windows 7 try this: right click open l4d.exe and use it "Windows XP compatibility"
- shaderapidx9.dll fix :
1) go to start menu "Run"
2) type "cmd"
3) in the command prompt window type the following:
net localgroup administrators NetorkService /ADD
- low/bad performance for AMD processors : CLICK
- black screen and other graphic problems : CLICK
- The following has solved this problem for some Vista users:
1) Exit Steam.
2) Click Start > All Programs > Accessories
Launch the Command Prompt by right clicking on it and choosing "Run As Administrator"
3) Type in the following command and press enter:
net localgroup Administrators /add Local Service
4) Close the Command Prompt window and restart your computer.Then, launch the game
- ENABLE console: Options -> Keyboard -> Advanced -> Enable Developer Console
- Go to http://garena.com and register if you don't have an account
- Update to the last version and login with your details.
- On the left find Left 4 Dead icon and join by double clicking. Choose a room.
- Now go to "Settings" and write:
1) Executable settings : the path to your l4d.exe
2) Game bootstrap parameters : -console sv_lan 0 sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0 net_star
Now you can play via lan and have no problems with Garena.
I wish that is sufficient and helps, if not then write to me and I'll look for more solutions for you out there. I hope this was helpful and the game runs smoothly now. Meanwhile, cheer up with this funny l4d clip:
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